Beyond Vocab

Vocabulary In Context. Measurable Progress.

Transform isolated flashcard study into engaging, personalized reading experiences backed by spaced repetition, helping you to gain fluency, enjoyably.

Beyond Vocab

Ready to experience your vocabulary in context?

BeyondVocab bridges the gap between isolated vocabulary study and natural reading by generating personalized content that incorporates exactly the words you need to review, precisely when you need to review them—all while maintaining the proven benefits of spaced repetition.

Review Your Vocabulary in the Context of Natural Language

See your vocabulary in real-world usage. No more isolated flashcards - experience your study words in authentic contexts, meaningful stories, and natural language patterns.

This deeper context helps you understand not just what words mean, but how they're actually used.

Review more words in less time

BeyondVocab dramatically reduces review time by allowing you to practice multiple vocabulary word in a single coherent passage. What might take 30 minutes of isolated flashcard reviews can be accomplished in 10 minutes of engaging reading.

This efficiency doesn't just save time—it improves retention by presenting words in meaningful relationships rather than isolation.

Stay Engaged with Reading Passages Personalized to You and Your Interests

Choose your own learning adventure with personalized content themes. Whether you're interested in business, travel, technology, culture, or any other topic, BeyondVocab generates reading material aligned with your personal interests.

This customization keeps you motivated and engaged, making language learning feel less like study and more like exploration of topics you genuinely enjoy. You can even provide specific prompts or themes to tailor content precisely to your current interests or learning goals.

Seamless Learning Tools at Your Fingertips

BeyondVocab integrates powerful learning tools directly into your reading experience. Instantly look up unfamiliar words with our one-click dictionary, view translations when needed, and add new words to your collection—all without leaving your reading flow.

These seamless supports remove friction from the learning process, allowing you to maintain momentum while still addressing challenges as they arise.


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